Are you moving place soon? Be sure that you know which organisations to inform, and that you have all of your administrative affairs in order before the big move! We’ve compiled a list of who you should inform about your new address etc.
The Post OfficeThe first thing you need to do when moving is to inform the Post Office. Pop down to your local branch and inform them of your new address and your moving date. This is probably one of the most important things you need to do as the Post Office will automatically redirect any mail you receive at your old address, to your new address. This saves you a lot of hassle and it’s a safety net for if you have forgotten to inform certain organisations about your move. You can request an automatic redirection of mail up to one year from around £29.99.
Your bankWhile any post you receive from your bank will be redirected to your new address, it’s very important to inform your bank of your new address for security reasons. Most banks allow you to pop in to your bank with some piece of ID and inform them of your new address. Also depending on your bank, you don’t need to provide proof of address as you already have the bank account set up.
Your insurance companyProvided that you have home and contents insurance, it’s super important that you inform your insurance company about the move. For this, you can’t just tell them your new address, they may need to re-assess the value of your new place and its contents for a new insurance premium.
Tip: Check with your housing insurance provider that they offer insurance on goods in transit when moving. This also gives you peace of mind that your goods are insured when packing them up and transporting them to the new place.
Your city councilDepending on where you’re moving to, you may need to inform your city council. This is so that your council tax account can be updated. When moving from one city to another in the U.K., you will need to inform your old city council of your move. You also need to inform your new city council when you move to your new place, so that you can set up a city council tax account with your new address.
HMRCYou will also need to inform HMRC about your change of address. For a change of address you can inform HMRC online. It’s a quick and simple process that you can do on the HMRC website. This will change your address on any income tax statements etc. After you request a change of address, you will receive an email from HMRC either verifying your change of address or asking you to send legal documents etc. to verify your identity.
Your water, gas, and electricity providersAn obvious one, but you’d be surprised at how many forget to do this and then arrive at their new place only to find there’s no electricity or running water. A simple call to your water, gas and electricity provider informing them about your new address and moving date is a simple process. Depending if you have a gas/electricity/water meter, your provider may need to send someone out to install a new one in your new place.
Your phone, internet and T.V. providersAnother obvious one. However, it’s important to inform these providers in advance as they may need to book a date with you to install your new router and telephone line etc. Calling these providers up on the phone and informing them about your new address should be sufficient.
If you need more advice on moving, see our Checklist to Ensure That You Move In Successfully.
Author: Roomlala
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